Core workout - 6 benefits of building a strong core

Your core is the central part of your body, including the lower back, hips and stomach. But did you know that having a strong and engaged core can benefit your body in multiple ways? From protecting your organs to reducing back pain, learn about the many benefits of building a strong core!

  1. Prevents injuries 
    Core training is important to prevent injuries, both in everyday life and during your favourite physical activities. The core balances and distributes forces during different types of movement patterns. Having a strong core can therefore prevent you from injuring yourself if you trip, as well as prevent wear and tear on muscles that work together with your core.

  2. Better breathing
    Did you know that your core strength can have a big impact on your breathing? Having a weak core can cause restricted and shallow breathing which may negatively impact your energy level and body functions. A strong and engaged core will allow you to breathe deeper, which provides more oxygen to your muscles and improves both endurance and recovery. 
  1. Improved athletic performance
    To have power, control, and balance in your athletic performance, a strong core is essential. Having a strong core allows you to work harder during your workouts and activities. This will help you to improve your overall strength - and you get the most out of your training! 
  1. Reduces back pain
    Having back pain? Strengthening your core is a game-changer! Since the core is responsible for stabilizing and supporting the spine, weak core musculature can lead to low back pain. Strengthening these muscles is an effective way to prevent back pain.  
  1. Protects your organs
    Having a strong core ensures that everything located there in your body is protected and helps your system function better. This not only helps with digestion, but also can help to optimize your metabolism and cleanse the body. 
  1. Improves balance and posture
    Want to improve your posture? A key to this is having a strong core! Try yoga or Pilates, weightlifting, and other exercises geared toward a focus on the back, as this will in turn help to strengthen your core muscles and improve your overall stability in your body. 

Core workout - 6 benefits of building a strong core